• info@subseatech.in
  • 99602 42656

Welcome to Subsea Technology…

  • Date: 06 Apr, 2021

Shipwreck Salvage

Subsea Technology is a leading service provider in Shipwreck Salvage services in India. We have all the expertise and manpower along with latest equipment and machines set up.

Project Overview – Shipwreck

Shipwreck services play a crucial role in maritime safety and environmental protection. When a vessel encounters distress at sea or faces the unfortunate fate of a shipwreck, specialized shipwreck services come into action.

Our Services

Our dedicated teams consist of skilled professionals, including salvors, divers, and marine engineers, who are equipped to respond swiftly to such emergencies. Our primary objectives involve rescuing crew members, mitigating environmental risks by preventing potential oil spills or hazardous material leaks, and initiating salvage operations to recover valuable cargo and minimize the impact on marine ecosystems.

Shipwreck services often work in challenging conditions, using advanced technology and expertise to navigate the depths and complexities of underwater wrecks. Our unwavering commitment to safety, preservation, and restoration of maritime assets is instrumental in safeguarding our oceans and ensuring smooth navigation for seafarers worldwide.